HypED C++ Style Guide

C++ is the main development language in HypED. Since we will have dozens of developers coding for the pod, it is very important that everyone adheres to the same code style. That way, our code will be easily readable and navigable by anyone, not just the author.

Note that this guide is not a C++ tutorial: we assume that the reader is familiar with the language. If you do not understand something then it either means that there is a typo, in which case please tell Brano, or that you need to brush up on your C++.

Goals of the Style Guide

Why do we have this document?

There are a few core goals that we believe this guide should serve. These are the fundamental whys that underlie all of the individual rules. By bringing these ideas to the fore, we hope to ground discussions and make it clearer why the rules are in place and why particular decisions have been made. If you understand what goals each rule is serving, it should be clearer to everyone when a rule may be waived (some can be), and what sort of argument or alternative would be necessary to change a rule in the guide.

The goals of the style guide as we currently see them are as follows:

Style rules should pull their weight
The benefit of a rule is measured relative to the codebase we would get without the rule, so a rule against a very harmful practice may still have a small benefit if people are unlikely to do it anyway. This principle mostly explains the rules we don’t have, rather than the rules we do: for example, goto contravenes many of the following principles, but is already vanishingly rare, so the Style Guide doesn’t discuss it.
Optimize for the reader, not the writer
Due to time constraints, much of our code might end up being developed solely by individual people. Hence it is very important that everyone can read and navigate everyone elses code easily should they need to take over the work. We optimize for the ease of reading, maintaining, and debugging code in our codebase rather than ease of writing said code. "Leave a trace for the reader" is a particularly common sub-point of this principle.

The intent of this document is to provide maximal guidance with reasonable restriction. As always, common sense and good taste should prevail. By this we specifically refer to the established conventions of the entire C++ community, not just your personal preferences or those of your team. Be skeptical about and reluctant to use clever or unusual constructs: the absence of a prohibition is not the same as a license to proceed. Use your judgment, and if you are unsure, please don't hesitate to ask on Slack to get additional input.

Header Files

In general, every .cpp file should have an associated .hpp file. There are some common exceptions, such as unittests and small .cpp files containing just a main() function.

Correct use of header files can make a huge difference to the readability, size and performance of your code.

Self-contained Headers

Header files should be self-contained (compile on their own) and end in .hpp. Non-header (.cpp) files must not be included from other files.

Users should not have to adhere to special conditions to include the header. Specifically, a header should have header guards and include all other headers it needs.

Place the definitions for template and inline functions in the same file as their declarations. The definitions of these constructs must be included into every .cpp file that uses them, or the program may fail to link in some build configurations. Do not move these definitions to separately included header files (e.g. -inl.hpp).

The #define Guard

All header files should have #define guards to prevent multiple inclusion. The format of the symbol name should be <PROJECT>_<PATH>_<FILE>_HPP_.

To guarantee uniqueness, they should be based on the full path in a project's source tree. For example, the file foo/src/bar/baz.hpp in project foo should have the following guard:

#ifndef FOO_BAR_BAZ_HPP_
#define FOO_BAR_BAZ_HPP_


#endif  // FOO_BAR_BAZ_HPP_

Names and Order of Includes

Use standard order for readability and to avoid hidden dependencies: Related header, C library, C++ library, other libraries' headers, your project's headers.

All of a project's header files should be listed as descendants of the project's source directory without use of UNIX directory shortcuts . (the current directory) or .. (the parent directory). For example, project/src/base/logging.hpp should be included as:

#include "base/logging.hpp"

In dir/foo.cpp or dir/foo_test.cpp, whose main purpose is to implement or test the stuff in dir2/foo2.hpp, order your includes as follows:

  1. dir2/foo2.hpp.
  2. C system files.
  3. C++ system files.
  4. Other libraries' .h/.hpp files.
  5. Your project's .hpp files.

With the preferred ordering, if dir2/foo2.hpp omits any necessary includes, the build of dir/foo.cpp or dir/foo_test.cpp will break. Thus, this rule ensures that build breaks show up first for the people working on these files, not for innocent people in other packages.

dir/foo.cpp and dir2/foo2.hpp are usually in the same directory (e.g. base/basictypes_test.cpp and base/basictypes.hpp), but may sometimes be in different directories too.

Within each section the includes should be ordered alphabetically.

You should include all the headers that define the symbols you rely upon. If you rely on symbols from bar.hpp, don't count on the fact that you included foo.hpp which (currently) includes bar.hpp: include bar.hpp yourself, unless foo.hpp explicitly demonstrates its intent to provide you the symbols of bar.hpp. However, any includes present in the related header do not need to be included again in the related .cpp (i.e., foo.cpp can rely on foo.hpp's includes).

For example, the includes in project/src/foo/internal/fooserver.cpp might look like this:

#include "foo/server/fooserver.hpp"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.hpp"
#include "base/commandlineflags.hpp"
#include "foo/server/bar.hpp"


The style of a name immediately informs us what sort of thing the named entity is: a type, a variable, a function, a constant, a macro, etc., without requiring us to search for the declaration of that entity. The pattern-matching engine in our brains relies a great deal on these naming rules.

Naming rules are pretty arbitrary, but we feel that consistency is more important than individual preferences in this area, so regardless of whether you find them sensible or not, the rules are the rules.

General Naming Rules

Names should be descriptive; avoid abbreviation.

Give as descriptive a name as possible, within reason. Do not worry about saving horizontal space as it is far more important to make your code immediately understandable by a new reader. Do not use abbreviations that will be ambiguous or unfamiliar to people who may reasonably be expected to read the code, and do not abbreviate by deleting letters within a word.

int price_count_reader;    // No abbreviation.
int num_errors;            // "num" is a widespread convention.
int num_dns_connections;   // Most people know what "DNS" stands for.
int n;                     // Meaningless.
int nerr;                  // Ambiguous abbreviation.
int n_comp_conns;          // Ambiguous abbreviation.
int wgc_connections;       // Only your group knows what this stands for.
int pc_reader;             // Lots of things can be abbreviated "pc".
int cstmr_id;              // Deletes internal letters.

Note that certain universally-known abbreviations are OK, such as i for an iteration variable and T for a template parameter.

Template parameters should follow the naming style for their category: type template parameters should follow the rules for type names, and non-type template parameters should follow the rules for variable names.

File Names

Filenames should be all lowercase and can include underscores (_) or dashes (-) for separating words. Underscores are preferred.

C++ files should end in .cpp and header files should end in .hpp.

In general, make your filenames very specific. For example, use http_server_logs.hpp rather than logs.hpp. A very common case is to have a pair of files called, e.g., foo_bar.hpp and foo_bar.cpp, defining a class called FooBar.

This rule may not apply in testing. For more information see Test File Names.

Type Names

Type names start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word, with no underscores: MyExcitingClass, MyExcitingEnum.

The names of all types — classes, structs, type aliases, enums, and type template parameters — have the same naming convention. Type names should start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word. No underscores. For example:

// classes and structs
class UrlTable { ...
class UrlTableTester { ...
struct UrlTableProperties { ...

// typedefs
typedef hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, string> PropertiesMap;

// using aliases
using PropertiesMap = hash_map<UrlTableProperties *, string>;

// enums
enum UrlTableErrors { ...

Variable Names

The names of variables (including function parameters) and data members are all lowercase, with underscores between words. Data members of classes (but not structs) additionally have trailing underscores. For instance: a_local_variable, a_struct_data_member, a_class_data_member_.

Common Variable names

For example:

string table_name;  // OK - uses underscore.
string tablename;   // OK - all lowercase.
string tableName;   // Bad - mixed case.

Class Data Members

Data members of classes, both static and non-static, are named like ordinary nonmember variables, but with a trailing underscore.

class TableInfo {
  string table_name_;  // OK - underscore at end.
  string tablename_;   // OK.
  static Pool<TableInfo>* pool_;  // OK.

Struct Data Members

Data members of structs, both static and non-static, are named like ordinary nonmember variables. They do not have the trailing underscores that data members in classes have.

struct UrlTableProperties {
  string name;
  int num_entries;
  static Pool<UrlTableProperties>* pool;

Constant Names

Variables declared constexpr or const, and whose value is fixed for the duration of the program, are named with a leading "k" followed by mixed case. For example:

const int kDaysInAWeek = 7;

All such variables with static storage duration (i.e. statics and globals, see Storage Duration for details) should be named this way. This convention is optional for variables of other storage classes, e.g. automatic variables, otherwise the usual variable naming rules apply.

Function Names

Regular functions have mixed case; accessors and mutators may be named like variables.

Ordinarily, functions should start with a lowercase letter and have a capital letter for each new word. Such names should not have underscores. Prefer to capitalize acronyms as single words (i.e. readImu(), not readIMU()).


Namespace Names

Namespace names are all lower-case. Top-level namespace names are based on the project name . Avoid collisions between nested namespaces and well-known top-level namespaces.

Enumerator Names

Enumerators (for both scoped and unscoped enums) should be named like constants (e.g. kEnumName).

The individual enumerators should be named like constants. The enumeration name, UrlTableErrors, is a type, and therefore mixed case.

enum UrlTableErrors {
  kOK = 0,

Macro Names

You're not really going to define a macro, are you? If you do, they're like this: MY_MACRO_THAT_SCARES_SMALL_CHILDREN.

In general macros should not be used. However, if they are needed, then they should be named with all capitals and underscores.

#define ROUND(x) ...
#define PI_ROUNDED 3.0

Exceptions to Naming Rules

If you are naming something that is analogous to an existing C or C++ entity then you can follow the existing naming convention scheme.

function name, follows form of open()
struct or class, follows form of pos
STL-like entity; follows STL naming conventions
a constant, as in INT_MAX


Code should be documented well. This serves several purposes. Well documented code is easier for others to understand, which leads to better code maintainability. Furthermore, once a programmer needs to document code, they need to think about the code structure, design, and functionality. This thinking fosters writing better code in general. Documentation can also be used to generate html site for easy navigation through project’s APIs.

Though a pain to write, comments are absolutely vital to keeping our code readable. The following rules describe what you should comment and where. But remember: while comments are very important, the best code is self-documenting. Giving sensible names to types and variables is much better than using obscure names that you must then explain through comments.

When writing your comments, write for your audience: the next contributor who will need to understand your code. Be generous — the next one may be you!

Comment Style

Use either the // or /* */ syntax, as long as you are consistent.

You can use either the // or the /* */ syntax; however, // is much more common. Be consistent with how you comment and what style you use where.

File Comments

File comments describe the contents of a file. If a file declares, implements, or tests exactly one abstraction that is documented by a comment at the point of declaration, file comments are not required. All other files must have file comments.

Legal Notice and Author Line

Every file should start with the following license boilerplate.

 * Author:
 * Organisation: HYPED
 * Date: 
 * Description: <What is this file for?>
 *    Copyright 2018 HYPED
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *    except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 *    the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
 *    either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

If more people contribute to the same file, include all of them on the 'Authors:' line. Consider deleting the line if there is too many authors.

File Contents

If a .hpp declares multiple abstractions, the file-level comment should broadly describe the contents of the file, and how the abstractions are related. A 1 or 2 sentence file-level comment may be sufficient. The detailed documentation about individual abstractions belongs with those abstractions, not at the file level.

Do not duplicate comments in both the .hpp and the .cpp. Duplicated comments diverge.

Class Comments

Every non-obvious class declaration should have an accompanying comment that describes what it is for and how it should be used.

// Iterates over the contents of a GargantuanTable.
// Example:
//    GargantuanTableIterator* iter = table->newIterator();
//    for (iter->seek("foo"); !iter->done(); iter->next()) {
//      process(iter->key(), iter->value());
//    }
//    delete iter;
class GargantuanTableIterator {

The class comment should provide the reader with enough information to know how and when to use the class, as well as any additional considerations necessary to correctly use the class.

The class comment is often a good place for a small example code snippet demonstrating a simple and focused usage of the class.

When sufficiently separated (e.g. .hpp and .cpp files), comments describing the use of the class should go together with its interface definition; comments about the class operation and implementation should accompany the implementation of the class's methods.

Function Comments

Declaration comments describe use of the function (when it is non-obvious); comments at the definition of a function describe operation.

Function Declarations

Almost every function declaration should have comments immediately preceding it that describe what the function does and how to use it. These comments may be omitted only if the function is simple and obvious (e.g. simple accessors for obvious properties of the class). These comments should be descriptive ("Opens the file") rather than imperative ("Open the file"); the comment describes the function, it does not tell the function what to do. In general, these comments do not describe how the function performs its task. Instead, that should be left to comments in the function definition.

Each function declaration should be preceded by a block comment with a brief description of how the function should be used, descriptions of all input parameters, and explanation of the return value (if any). Implementation description of a method can be further extended at the point of definition.

 * @brief      { function_description }
 * @param[in]  c     { parameter_description }
 * @param[in]  i     { parameter_description }
 * @return     { description_of_the_return_value }
int foo (char c, int i);

However, do not be unnecessarily verbose or state the completely obvious. Notice below that it is not necessary to say "returns false otherwise" because this is implied.

 * @brief Returns true if the table cannot hold any more entries.
bool isTableFull();

When documenting function overrides, focus on the specifics of the override itself, rather than repeating the comment from the overridden function. In many of these cases, the override needs no additional documentation and thus no comment is required.

When commenting constructors and destructors, remember that the person reading your code knows what constructors and destructors are for, so comments that just say something like "destroys this object" are not useful. Document what constructors do with their arguments (for example, if they take ownership of pointers), and what cleanup the destructor does. If this is trivial, just skip the comment. It is quite common for destructors not to have a header comment.

Function Definitions

If there is anything tricky about how a function does its job, the function definition should have an explanatory comment. For example, in the definition comment you might describe any coding tricks you use, give an overview of the steps you go through, or explain why you chose to implement the function in the way you did rather than using a viable alternative. For instance, you might mention why it must acquire a lock for the first half of the function but why it is not needed for the second half.

Note you should not just repeat the comments given with the function declaration, in the .hpp file or wherever. It's okay to recapitulate briefly what the function does, but the focus of the comments should be on how it does it.

Variable Comments

In general the actual name of the variable should be descriptive enough to give a good idea of what the variable is used for. In certain cases, more comments are required.

Class Data Members

The purpose of each class data member (also called an instance variable or member variable) must be clear. If there are any invariants (special values, relationships between members, lifetime requirements) not clearly expressed by the type and name, they must be commented. However, if the type and name suffice ( int num_events_;), no comment is needed.

In particular, add comments to describe the existence and meaning of sentinel values, such as nullptr or -1, when they are not obvious. For example:

 // Used to bounds-check table accesses. -1 means
 // that we don't yet know how many entries the table has.
 int num_total_entries_;

Global Variables

All global variables should have a comment describing what they are, what they are used for, and (if unclear) why it needs to be global. For example:

// The total number of tests cases that we run through in this regression test.
const int kNumTestCases = 6;

Implementation Comments

In your implementation you should have comments in tricky, non-obvious, interesting, or important parts of your code.

Explanatory Comments

Tricky or complicated code blocks should have comments before them. Example:

// Divide result by two, taking into account that x
// contains the carry from the add.
for (int i = 0; i < result->size(); i++) {
  x = (x << 8) + (*result)[i];
  (*result)[i] = x >> 1;
  x &= 1;

Line Comments

Also, lines that are non-obvious should get a comment at the end of the line. These end-of-line comments should be separated from the code by 2 spaces. Example:

// If we have enough memory, mmap the data portion too.
mmap_budget = max<int64>(0, mmap_budget - index_->length());
if (mmap_budget >= data_size_ && !MmapData(mmap_chunk_bytes, mlock))
  return;  // Error already logged.

Note that there are both comments that describe what the code is doing, and comments that mention that an error has already been logged when the function returns.

If you have several comments on subsequent lines, it can often be more readable to line them up:

doSomething();                  // Comment here so the comments line up.
doSomethingElseThatIsLonger();  // Two spaces between the code and the comment.
{ // One space before comment when opening a new scope is allowed,
  // thus the comment lines up with the following comments and code.
  doSomethingElse();  // Two spaces before line comments normally.
std::vector<string> list{
                    // Comments in braced lists describe the next element...
                    "First item",
                    // .. and should be aligned appropriately.
                    "Second item"};

Function Argument Comments

When the meaning of a function argument is nonobvious, consider one of the following remedies:

  • If the argument is a literal constant, and the same constant is used in multiple function calls in a way that tacitly assumes they're the same, you should use a named constant to make that constraint explicit, and to guarantee that it holds.
  • Consider changing the function signature to replace a bool argument with an enum argument. This will make the argument values self-describing.
  • For functions that have several configuration options, consider defining a single class or struct to hold all the options , and pass an instance of that. This approach has several advantages. Options are referenced by name at the call site, which clarifies their meaning. It also reduces function argument count, which makes function calls easier to read and write. As an added benefit, you don't have to change call sites when you add another option.
  • Replace large or complex nested expressions with named variables.
  • As a last resort, use comments to clarify argument meanings at the call site.
Consider the following example:
// What are these arguments?
const DecimalNumber product = calculateProduct(values, 7, false, nullptr);


ProductOptions options;
const DecimalNumber product =
    calculateProduct(values, options, /*completion_callback=*/nullptr);


Do not state the obvious. In particular, don't literally describe what code does, unless the behavior is nonobvious to a reader who understands C++ well. Instead, provide higher level comments that describe why the code does what it does, or make the code self describing.

Compare this:
// Find the element in the vector.  <-- Bad: obvious!
auto iter = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), element);
if (iter != v.end()) {
To this:
// Process "element" unless it was already processed.
auto iter = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), element);
if (iter != v.end()) {
Self-describing code doesn't need a comment. The comment from the example above would be obvious:
if (!isAlreadyProcessed(element)) {

Punctuation, Spelling and Grammar

Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar; it is easier to read well-written comments than badly written ones.

Comments should be as readable as narrative text, with proper capitalization and punctuation. In many cases, complete sentences are more readable than sentence fragments. Shorter comments, such as comments at the end of a line of code, can sometimes be less formal, but you should be consistent with your style.

Although it can be frustrating to have a code reviewer point out that you are using a comma when you should be using a semicolon, it is very important that source code maintain a high level of clarity and readability. Proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar help with that goal.

TODO Comments

Use TODO comments for code that is temporary, a short-term solution, or good-enough but not perfect.

TODOs should include the string TODO in all caps, followed by the name, e-mail address, bug ID, or other identifier of the person or issue with the best context about the problem referenced by the TODO. The main purpose is to have a consistent TODO that can be searched to find out how to get more details upon request. A TODO is not a commitment that the person referenced will fix the problem. Thus when you create a TODO with a name, it is almost always your name that is given.

// TODO(kl@gmail.com): Use a "*" here for concatenation operator.
// TODO(Zeke) change this to use relations.
// TODO(bug 12345): remove the "Last visitors" feature

If your TODO is of the form "At a future date do something" make sure that you either include a very specific date ("Fix by November 2005") or a very specific event ("Remove this code when all clients can handle XML responses.").


Coding style and formatting are pretty arbitrary, but a project is much easier to follow if everyone uses the same style. Individuals may not agree with every aspect of the formatting rules, and some of the rules may take some getting used to, but it is important that all project contributors follow the style rules so that they can all read and understand everyone's code easily.

Line Length

Each line of text in your code should be at most 100 characters long.

We are innovative so we will not stick to the old 80-character limit.

Proponents argue that a wider line can make code more readable. The 80-column limit is an hidebound throwback to 1960s mainframes; modern equipment has wide screens that can easily show longer lines.

More focus on descriptive names also makes lines longer than they were in the past.

Those in favor of 80 characters argue that it is rude to force them to resize their windows and there is no need for anything longer. Some folks are used to having several code windows side-by-side, and thus don't have room to widen their windows in any case. People set up their work environment assuming a particular maximum window width, and 80 columns has been the traditional standard. Why change it?

100 characters is the maximum.

Comment lines can be longer than 100 characters if it is not feasible to split them without harming readability, ease of cut and paste or auto-linking -- e.g. if a line contains an example command or a literal URL longer than 100 characters.

A raw-string literal may have content that exceeds 100 characters. Except for test code, such literals should appear near the top of a file.

An #include statement with a long path may exceed 100 columns.

You needn't be concerned about header guards that exceed the maximum length.

Spaces vs. Tabs

Use only spaces, and indent 2 spaces at a time.

Do not use tabs in your code. You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key.

Function Declarations and Definitions

Return type on the same line as function name, parameters on the same line if they fit. Wrap parameter lists which do not fit on a single line as you would wrap arguments in a function call.

Functions look like this:

ReturnType ClassName::functionName(Type par_name1, Type par_name2)

If you have too much text to fit on one line:

ReturnType ClassName::reallyLongFunctionName(Type par_name1, Type par_name2,
                                             Type par_name3)

or if you cannot fit even the first parameter:

ReturnType LongClassName::reallyReallyReallyLongFunctionName(
    Type par_name1,  // 4 space indent
    Type par_name2,
    Type par_name3)
  doSomething();  // 2 space indent

Some points to note:

  • Choose good parameter names.
  • If you cannot fit the return type and the function name on a single line, break between them.
  • If you break after the return type of a function declaration or definition, do not indent.
  • The open parenthesis is always on the same line as the function name.
  • There is never a space between the function name and the open parenthesis.
  • There is never a space between the parentheses and the parameters.
  • The open curly brace is always on a separate line after the function declaration and before the body.
  • The close curly brace is on the last line by itself.
  • All parameters should be aligned if possible.
  • Default indentation is 2 spaces.
  • Wrapped parameters have a 4 space indent.

Function Calls

Either write the call all on a single line, wrap the arguments at the parenthesis, or start the arguments on a new line indented by four spaces and continue at that 4 space indent. In the absence of other considerations, use the minimum number of lines, including placing multiple arguments on each line where appropriate.

Function calls have the following format:

bool result = doSomething(argument1, argument2, argument3);

If the arguments do not all fit on one line, they should be broken up onto multiple lines, with each subsequent line aligned with the first argument. Do not add spaces after the open paren or before the close paren:

bool result = doSomething(averyveryveryverylongargument1,
                          argument2, argument3);

Arguments may optionally all be placed on subsequent lines with a four space indent:

if (...) {
  if (...) {
    bool result = doSomething(
        argument1, argument2,  // 4 space indent
        argument3, argument4);

Put multiple arguments on a single line to reduce the number of lines necessary for calling a function unless there is a specific readability problem. Some find that formatting with strictly one argument on each line is more readable and simplifies editing of the arguments. However, we prioritize for the reader over the ease of editing arguments, and most readability problems are better addressed with the following techniques.

If having multiple arguments in a single line decreases readability due to the complexity or confusing nature of the expressions that make up some arguments, try creating variables that capture those arguments in a descriptive name:

int my_heuristic = scores[x] * y + bases[x];
bool result = doSomething(my_heuristic, x, y, z);

Or put the confusing argument on its own line with an explanatory comment:

bool result = doSomething(scores[x] * y + bases[x],  // Score heuristic.
                          x, y, z);

If there is still a case where one argument is significantly more readable on its own line, then put it on its own line. The decision should be specific to the argument which is made more readable rather than a general policy.

Sometimes arguments form a structure that is important for readability. In those cases, feel free to format the arguments according to that structure:

// Transform the widget by a 3x3 matrix.
my_widget.transform(x1, x2, x3,
                    y1, y2, y3,
                    z1, z2, z3);

Braced Initializer List Format

Format a braced initializer list exactly like you would format a function call in its place.

If the braced list follows a name (e.g. a type or variable name), format as if the {} were the parentheses of a function call with that name. If there is no name, assume a zero-length name.

// Examples of braced init list on a single line.
return {foo, bar};
functioncall({foo, bar});
std::pair<int, int> p{foo, bar};

// When you have to wrap.
    {"assume a zero-length name before {"},
SomeType variable{
    some, other, values,
    {"assume a zero-length name before {"},
        "Very long string requiring the surrounding breaks.",
        some, other values},
    SomeOtherType{"Slightly shorter string",
                  some, other, values}};
SomeType variable{
    "This is too long to fit all in one line"};
MyType m = {  // Here, you could also break before {.
    {short, interior, list},


Do not add spaces between the parentheses and the condition. The if and else keywords belong on separate lines.

if (condition) {  // no spaces inside parentheses
  ...  // 2 space indent.
} else if (...) {  // The else goes on the same line as the closing brace.
} else {

Do not add spaces inside the parentheses:

if ( condition ) {  // Bad - spaces inside parentheses
  ...  // 2 space indent.

Note that in all cases you must have a space between the if and the open parenthesis. You must also have a space between the close parenthesis and the curly brace, if you're using one.

if(condition) {   // Bad - space missing after IF.
if (condition){   // Bad - space missing before {.
if(condition){    // Doubly bad.
if (condition) {  // Good - proper space after IF and before {.

Short conditional statements may be written on one line if this enhances readability. You may use this only when the line is brief and the statement does not use the else clause.

if (x == kFoo) return new Foo();
if (x == kBar) return new Bar();

This is not allowed when the if statement has an else:

// Not allowed - IF statement on one line when there is an ELSE clause
if (x) doThis();
else doThat();

In general, curly braces are not required for single-line statements, but they are allowed if you like them; conditional or loop statements with complex conditions or statements may be more readable with curly braces.

if (condition)
  doSomething();  // 2 space indent.

if (condition) {
  doSomething();  // 2 space indent.

However, if one part of an if- else statement uses curly braces, the other part must too:

// Not allowed - curly on IF but not ELSE
if (condition) {
} else

// Not allowed - curly on ELSE but not IF
if (condition)
else {
// Curly braces around both IF and ELSE required because
// one of the clauses used braces.
if (condition) {
} else {

//Also allowed:
if (condition)

Loops and Switch Statements

Switch statements may use braces for blocks. Annotate non-trivial fall-through between cases. Braces are optional for single-statement loops. Empty loop bodies should use empty braces or continue.

case blocks in switch statements can have curly braces or not, depending on your preference. If you do include curly braces they should be placed as shown below.

If not conditional on an enumerated value, switch statements should always have a default case (in the case of an enumerated value, the compiler will warn you if any values are not handled). If the default case should never execute, simply assert:

switch (var) {
  case 0: {  // 2 space indent
    ...      // 4 space indent
  case 1: {
  default: {

Braces are optional for single-statement loops.

for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i)
  printf("I love you\n");

for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i) {
  printf("I take it back\n");

Empty loop bodies should use an empty pair of braces or continue, but not a single semicolon.

while (condition) {
  // Repeat test until it returns false.
for (int i = 0; i < kSomeNumber; ++i) {}  // Good - one newline is also OK.
while (condition) continue;  // Good - continue indicates no logic.
while (condition);  // Bad - looks like part of do/while loop.

Pointer and Reference Expressions

No spaces around period or arrow. Pointer operators do not have trailing spaces.

The following are examples of correctly-formatted pointer and reference expressions:

x = *p;
p = &x;
x = r.y;
x = r->y;

Note that:

  • There are no spaces around the period or arrow when accessing a member.
  • Pointer operators have no space after the * or &.

When declaring a pointer variable or argument, place the asterisk adjacent to the type:

char* c;
const string& str;
It is allowed (if unusual) to declare multiple variables in the same declaration, but it is disallowed if any of those have pointer or reference decorations. Such declarations are easily misread.
// Fine if helpful for readability.
int x, y;
int x, *y;  // Disallowed - no & or * in multiple declaration
char * c;  // Bad - spaces on both sides of *
const string & str;  // Bad - spaces on both sides of &

Boolean Expressions

When you have a boolean expression that is longer than the standard line length, be consistent in how you break up the lines.

In this example, the logical AND operator is always at the end of the lines:

if (this_one_thing > this_other_thing &&
    a_third_thing == a_fourth_thing &&
    yet_another && last_one) {

Note that when the code wraps in this example, both of the && logical AND operators are at the end of the line. This is preferred, though wrapping all operators at the beginning of the line is also allowed. Feel free to insert extra parentheses judiciously because they can be very helpful in increasing readability when used appropriately. Also note that you should always use the punctuation operators, such as && and ~, rather than the word operators, such as and and compl.

Return Values

Do not needlessly surround the return expression with parentheses.

return (value);                // You wouldn't write var = (value);
return(result);                // return is not a function!

Variable and Array Initialization

Your choice of =, (), or {}.

You may choose between =, (), and {}; the following are all correct:

int x = 3;
int x(3);
int x{3};
string name = "Some Name";
string name("Some Name");
string name{"Some Name"};

Be careful when using a braced initialization list {...} on a type with an std::initializer_list constructor. A nonempty braced-init-list prefers the std::initializer_list constructor whenever possible. Note that empty braces {} are special, and will call a default constructor if available. To force the non- std::initializer_list constructor, use parentheses instead of braces.

std::vector<int> v(100, 1);  // A vector of 100 1s.
std::vector<int> v{100, 1};  // A vector of 100, 1.

Also, the brace form prevents narrowing of integral types. This can prevent some types of programming errors.

int pi(3.14);  // OK -- pi == 3.
int pi{3.14};  // Compile error: narrowing conversion.

Preprocessor Directives

The hash mark that starts a preprocessor directive should always be at the beginning of the line.

Even when preprocessor directives are within the body of indented code, the directives should start at the beginning of the line.

// Good - directives at beginning of line
  if (lopsided_score) {
#if DISASTER_PENDING      // Correct -- Starts at beginning of line
# if NOTIFY               // OK but not required -- Spaces after #
# endif
// Bad - indented directives
  if (lopsided_score) {
    #if DISASTER_PENDING  // Wrong!  The "#if" should be at beginning of line
    #endif                // Wrong!  Do not indent "#endif"

Class Format

Sections in public, protected and private order, each indented one space.

The basic format for a class definition (lacking the comments, see Class Comments for a discussion of what comments are needed) is:

class MyClass : public OtherClass {
 public:      // Note the 1 space indent!
  MyClass();  // Regular 2 space indent.
  explicit MyClass(int var);
  ~MyClass() {}

  void someFunction();
  void someFunctionThatDoesNothing()

  void set_some_var(int var) { some_var_ = var; }
  int get_some_var() const { return some_var_; }

  bool someInternalFunction();

  int some_var_;
  int some_other_var_;

Things to note:

  • Any base class name should be on the same line as the subclass name, subject to the 100-column limit.
  • The public:, protected:, and private: keywords should be indented one space.
  • Except for the first instance, these keywords should be preceded by a blank line. This rule is optional in small classes.
  • Do not leave a blank line after these keywords.
  • The public section should be first, followed by the protected and finally the private section.
  • See Declaration Order for rules on ordering declarations within each of these sections.

Constructor Initializer Lists

Constructor initializer lists can be all on one line or with subsequent lines indented four spaces.

The acceptable formats for initializer lists are:

// When everything fits on one line:
MyClass::MyClass(int var) : some_var_(var)

// If the signature and initializer list are not all on one line,
// you must wrap before the colon and indent 4 spaces:
MyClass::MyClass(int var)
    : some_var_(var), some_other_var_(var + 1)

// When the list spans multiple lines, put each member on its own line
// and align them:
MyClass::MyClass(int var)
    : some_var_(var),           // 4 space indent
      some_other_var_(var + 1)  // lined up

Namespace Formatting

The contents of namespaces are not indented.

Namespaces do not add an extra level of indentation. For example, use:

namespace {

void foo() {  // Correct.  No extra indentation within namespace.

}  // namespace

Do not indent within a namespace:

namespace {

  // Wrong.  Indented when it should not be.
  void foo() {

}  // namespace

When declaring nested namespaces, put each namespace on its own line.

namespace foo {
namespace bar {

Terminate namespaces with comments.

// In the .hpp file
namespace mynamespace {

class MyClass {
void Foo();

}  // namespace mynamespace
// In the .cpp file
namespace mynamespace {

void MyClass::Foo() {

}  // namespace mynamespace

Horizontal Whitespace

Use of horizontal whitespace depends on location. Never put trailing whitespace at the end of a line.


void f(bool b)
int i = 0;  // Semicolons have no space before them.
// Spaces inside braces for braced-init-list are optional.  If you use them,
// put them on both sides!
int x[] = { 0 };
int x[] = {0};

// Spaces around the colon in inheritance and initializer lists.
class Foo : public Bar {
  // For inline function implementations, put spaces between the braces
  // and the implementation itself.
  Foo(int b) : Bar(), baz_(b)
  {}  // No spaces inside empty braces.
  void reset() { baz_ = 0; }  // Spaces separating braces from implementation.

Adding trailing whitespace can cause extra work for others editing the same file, when they merge, as can removing existing trailing whitespace. So: Don't introduce trailing whitespace. Remove it if you're already changing that line, or do it in a separate clean-up operation (preferably when no-one else is working on the file).

Loops and Conditionals

if (b) {          // Space after the keyword in conditions and loops.
} else {          // Spaces around else.
while (test) {}   // There is usually no space inside parentheses.

switch (i) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {

// For loops always have a space after the semicolon.  They may have a space
// before the semicolon, but this is rare.
for ( ; i < 5 ; ++i) {

// Range-based for loops always have a space before and after the colon.
for (auto x : counts) {
switch (i) {
  case 1:         // No space before colon in a switch case.
  case 2: break;  // Use a space after a colon if there's code after it.


// Assignment operators always have spaces around them.
x = 0;

// Other binary operators usually have spaces around them, but it's
// OK to remove spaces around factors.  Parentheses should have no
// internal padding.
v = w * x + y / z;
v = w*x + y/z;
v = w * (x + z);

// No spaces separating unary operators and their arguments.
x = -5;
if (x && !y)

Templates and Casts

// No spaces inside the angle brackets (< and >), before
// <, or between >( in a cast
std::vector<string> x;
y = static_cast<char*>(x);

// Spaces between type and pointer are OK, but be consistent.
std::vector<char *> x;

Vertical Whitespace

Minimize use of vertical whitespace.

This is more a principle than a rule: don't use blank lines when you don't have to. In particular, don't put more than one or two blank lines between functions, resist starting functions with a blank line, don't end functions with a blank line, and be discriminating with your use of blank lines inside functions.

The basic principle is: The more code that fits on one screen, the easier it is to follow and understand the control flow of the program. Of course, readability can suffer from code being too dense as well as too spread out, so use your judgement. But in general, minimize use of vertical whitespace.

Some rules of thumb to help when blank lines may be useful:

  • Blank lines at the beginning or end of a function very rarely help readability.
  • Blank lines inside a chain of if-else blocks may well help readability.


This section contains the style conventions specifically for creating tests. This covers all forms of tests in the HYPED Codebase, please read this carefully before beginning testing.

Test names

Test names should be written in camelCase with the name beginning with a verb and first letter lowercased then following CamelCase afterwards This closely follows the Google primer style guide for names of tests. Which is what a lot of the testing style's are inspired from

// Bad- spaced using underscores, capitalisation is inconsistent
TEST_F(DifferentiatorFunctionality, handles_zero_Input) {
// Good - correct spacing convention, capitalisation is consistent
TEST_F(DifferentiatorFunctionality, handlesZeroInput){

Test file names

There is one special rule for the naming of test files. They should all end in .test.cpp

NOTE: That is not going to change the file type from a typical .cpp file it is just a naming convention commonly used for testing and allows for people to see instantly that it is a test files

// Bad file name
// Good file name

Test Fixtures

We have two styling rules for test fixtures:

  • Firstly test fixtures must be structs
  • Secondly test fixtures must begin with a capital letter and then follow camel case styling for capitalisation

// Bad - wrong capitalisation
struct differentiatorFunctionality : public ::testing::Test {
// Good - capitalisation correct
struct DifferentiatorFunctionality : public ::testing::Test {

Test fixture variables vs local test variables

When declaring variables in tests we need to be consistent about where we are accessing them from and their scopes. All variables which you will use across multiple tests must be defined in the test fixture and must be protected.

Any variable which is specific to the certain test you are running must only be defined locally. Some examples are a temporary variable storing a value before it was changed.

The only exception to this is when you are defining your error message variables. In this case, you should define them in the test fixture even if they are only used for one test. This is purely for convenience to whoever is looking at the code.

Error Messages

When writing error messages for your ASSERT() or EXPECT() you should do the following:

  • Encapsulate the error messages in variables defined in the test fixture
  • Do not write the error message directly as a string onto the end of the ASSERT or EXPECT
// Bad - message added directly, not stored in test fixture variable
struct DifferentiatorFunctionality : ::testing::Test {

TEST_F(DifferentiatorFunctionality, handlesZeroInput){
ASSERT(...) << "Should handle zero input"
struct DifferentiatorFunctionality : ::testing::Test {
std::string zero_input_error = "Should handle zero input";

TEST_F(DifferentiatorFunctionality, handlesZeroInput){
ASSERT(...) << zero_input_error;

These error message variables may seem pretty meaningless but they become much better when you get longer error messages and helps keep the 100-character limit on lines as mentioned earlier in the style guide

Production Tests

Production tests may be resource intensive and may take some time to run; these are categorised separately from other tests. they can easily be ran by entering `make test` to run the entire test suite or if you want to run exclusively Production tests, `make test-production`.
They should be denoted by adding ‘_prod’ at the end of the test name. For example:

TEST_F(PodSimulations, SomePodSimulation_prod){


Things here are often on the borderline between code style and coding practice.

Local Variables

Place a function's variables in the narrowest scope possible, and initialize variables in the declaration.

C++ allows you to declare variables anywhere in a function. We encourage you to declare them in as local a scope as possible, and as close to the first use as possible. This makes it easier for the reader to find the declaration and see what type the variable is and what it was initialized to. In particular, initialization should be used instead of declaration and assignment, e.g.:

int i;
i = f();      // Bad -- initialization separate from declaration.
int j = g();  // Good -- declaration has initialization.

Variables needed for if, while and for statements should normally be declared within those statements, so that such variables are confined to those scopes. E.g.:

while (const char* p = strchr(str, '/')) str = p + 1;

There is one caveat: if the variable is an object, its constructor is invoked every time it enters scope and is created, and its destructor is invoked every time it goes out of scope.

// Inefficient implementation:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
  Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called 1000000 times each.

It may be more efficient to declare such a variable used in a loop outside that loop:

Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called once each.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {

Classes are the fundamental unit of code in C++. Naturally, we use them extensively. This section lists the main dos and don'ts you should follow when writing a class.


Explicitly annotate overrides of virtual functions or virtual destructors with an override or (less frequently) final specifier. Older (pre-C++11) code will use the virtual keyword as an inferior alternative annotation. For clarity, use exactly one of override, final, or virtual when declaring an override. Rationale: A function or destructor marked override or final that is not an override of a base class virtual function will not compile, and this helps catch common errors. The specifiers serve as documentation; if no specifier is present, the reader has to check all ancestors of the class in question to determine if the function or destructor is virtual or not.

Declaration Order in Classes

Group similar declarations together, placing public parts earlier.

A class definition should usually start with a public: section, followed by protected:, then private:. Omit sections that would be empty.

Within each section, generally prefer grouping similar kinds of declarations together, and generally prefer the following order: types (including typedef, using, and nested structs and classes), constants, factory functions, constructors, assignment operators, destructor, all other methods, data members.

Do not put large method definitions inline in the class definition. Usually, only trivial or performance-critical, and very short, methods may be defined inline.

Function Parameter Ordering

When defining a function, parameter order is: inputs, then outputs.

Parameters to C/C++ functions are either input to the function, output from the function, or both. Input parameters are usually values or const references, while output and input/output parameters will be pointers to non- const. When ordering function parameters, put all input-only parameters before any output parameters. In particular, do not add new parameters to the end of the function just because they are new; place new input-only parameters before the output parameters.

This is not a hard-and-fast rule. Parameters that are both input and output (often classes/structs) muddy the waters, and, as always, consistency with related functions may require you to bend the rule.

Write Short Functions

Prefer small and focused functions.

Long functions are sometimes appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on functions length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.

Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find. Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read and modify your code.

You could find long and complicated functions when working with some code. Do not be intimidated by modifying existing code: if working with such a function proves to be difficult, you find that errors are hard to debug, or you want to use a piece of it in several different contexts, consider breaking up the function into smaller and more manageable pieces.


Use C++-style casts like static_cast<float>(double_value), or brace initialization for conversion of arithmetic types like int64 y = int64{1} << 42. Do not use cast formats like int y = (int)x or int y = int(x) (but the latter is okay when invoking a constructor of a class type).

C++ introduced a different cast system from C that distinguishes the types of cast operations.

The problem with C casts is the ambiguity of the operation; sometimes you are doing a conversion (e.g., (int)3.5) and sometimes you are doing a cast (e.g., (int)"hello"). Brace initialization and C++ casts can often help avoid this ambiguity. Additionally, C++ casts are more visible when searching for them.

The C++-style cast syntax is verbose and cumbersome.

Do not use C-style casts. Instead, use these C++-style casts when explicit type conversion is necessary.

  • Use brace initialization to convert arithmetic types (e.g. int64{x}). This is the safest approach because code will not compile if conversion can result in information loss. The syntax is also concise.
  • Use static_cast as the equivalent of a C-style cast that does value conversion, when you need to explicitly up-cast a pointer from a class to its superclass, or when you need to explicitly cast a pointer from a superclass to a subclass. In this last case, you must be sure your object is actually an instance of the subclass.
  • Use reinterpret_cast to do unsafe conversions of pointer types to and from integer and other pointer types. Use this only if you know what you are doing and you understand the aliasing issues.

Preincrement and Predecrement

Use prefix form ( ++i) of the increment and decrement operators with iterators and other template objects.

When a variable is incremented ( ++i or i++) or decremented ( --i or i--) and the value of the expression is not used, one must decide whether to preincrement (decrement) or postincrement (decrement).

When the return value is ignored, the "pre" form ( ++i) is never less efficient than the "post" form ( i++), and is often more efficient. This is because post-increment (or decrement) requires a copy of i to be made, which is the value of the expression. If i is an iterator or other non-scalar type, copying i could be expensive. Since the two types of increment behave the same when the value is ignored, why not just always pre-increment?

The tradition developed, in C, of using post-increment when the expression value is not used, especially in for loops. Some find post-increment easier to read, since the "subject" ( i) precedes the "verb" ( ++), just like in English.

For simple scalar (non-object) values there is no reason to prefer one form and we allow either. For iterators and other template types, use pre-increment.

Integer Types

Of the built-in C++ integer types, the only one used is int. If a program needs a variable of a different size, use a precise-width integer type from <stdint.h>, such as int16_t. If your variable represents a value that could ever be greater than or equal to 2^31 (2GiB), use a 64-bit type such as int64_t. Keep in mind that even if your value won't ever be too large for an int, it may be used in intermediate calculations which may require a larger type. When in doubt, choose a larger type.

C++ does not specify the sizes of its integer types. Typically people assume that short is 16 bits, int is 32 bits, long is 32 bits and long long is 64 bits.

Uniformity of declaration.

The sizes of integral types in C++ can vary based on compiler and architecture.

<stdint.h> defines types like int16_t, uint32_t, int64_t, etc. You should always use those in preference to short, unsigned long long and the like, when you need a guarantee on the size of an integer. Of the C integer types, only int should be used. When appropriate, you are welcome to use standard types like size_t and ptrdiff_t.

We use int very often, for integers we know are not going to be too big, e.g., loop counters. Use plain old int for such things. You should assume that an int is at least 32 bits, but don't assume that it has more than 32 bits. If you need a 64-bit integer type, use int64_t or uint64_t.

Exceptions to the Rules

None yet.

Use common sense and BE CONSISTENT.

If you are editing code, take a few minutes to look at the code around you and determine its style.

The point of having style guidelines is to have a common vocabulary of coding so people can concentrate on what you are saying, rather than on how you are saying it. We present global style rules here so people know the vocabulary. But local style is also important. If code you add to a file looks drastically different from the existing code around it, the discontinuity throws readers out of their rhythm when they go to read it. Try to avoid this.

OK, enough writing about writing code; the code itself is much more interesting. Have fun!